
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not Much to Thrift About!

Hello blogger friends! I don't have a lot to report from this past weekend of thrifty finds. My old, reliable friend Goodwill had their 50% off sale this weekend and the husband was kind enough to go with me. I only found one thing that I couldn't live without.

Isn't this owl the cutest? I just couldn't resist.

I hope you are all having a great week! Maybe next week I will have more to report.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If The Broom Fits!

I love Halloween decorations! I would have to say Halloween and Christmas are probably my two favorite Holidays to decorate for.  I don't know if you all have seen Matthew Mead's Halloween book or not, but if you haven't you must go get it.  You will not be disappointed! I got this witchy coat rack idea from this book. The best part about it is that I already had all of this witchy stuff and I didn't spend a dime.

This witch is ready to fly out the door. I bought this broom at Target on clearance a few years ago.

 This witch finally was able to get those ruby slippers from Dorothy.

Stockings to keep warm!

Save the date!

A Jack-O-Lantern

And to complete the outfit, a witchy hat!

Ok, now I need to go dig my other decorations out of the basement!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Thrifty Weekend

I hope you all had a terrific weekend! I don't have a lot to report this weekend but I was able to find a few things. It is kind of sad that garage sale season is ending, but I am really looking forward to fall and Halloween. I also love that this week some of my favorite TV shows are all brand new. Anyhoo, now to show you all of you what I bought.

This is one of my favorite finds this week. I bought this end-table at a thrift store for $25.00. I love the hardware on it and the shape of it.

I found another vintage soda crate.  This pepsi crate cost $8.00....still way cheaper than Pottery Barn.

I do not have very many things to decorate my house with for the red, white and blue holidays. I bought this wreath for $2.00.

And I am sure you have all know how much I love vintage bottles.  This one was calling my name and best yet I got it for .50 cents.  Woo Hoo!

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southern hospitality

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Going to the Chapel Pumpkins

I was looking at some pictures for my scrapbook and I came across these pumpkins.  I had painted them and decorated them for our cousin's wedding a few years back.  They were so fun to make and quite a hit at the rehearsal dinner.

I used acrylic paints and paint markers to do the faces. I am not very good at drawing but I thought they turned out ok.  The top hat and bow-tie is made from poster board. I just hot glued it right onto the pumpkins.  The veil is made out of tulle and her pearl earrings are little buttons that I had. Oh yes and no bride should be without her tiara.  I know they are a bit on the cheesy side, but I just had to share them.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's Fall Y'all!

I have always loved fall and definitely get fall fever this time of year. I love the crisp air, the mums, the pumpkins, the scarecrows and I could go on and on.  I tend to sometimes go over board with my fall decorating. I must say the Dollar Tree has really been a great place to buy fall decorations this year. I got some really great Halloween decorations there too. Anyway enough about my love for Dollar Tree. I wanted to share some of my fall fever with all of you. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable and be prepared to go into picture overload. :)

Let's begin this fall tour with my mantle.  Remember those candlesticks and picture frame that I posted about yesterday?  The frame turned in a chalkboard and the candlesticks got a fresh coat of spray paint. 

The pedestal, candle and glass votive all came from Dollar Tree! I wrapped the twine around the bottom to  give it some fall texture.

I drew and painted the L on the funkin (you read that right funkin not pumpkin).  A funkin is a fake pumpkin that you can carve.  I bought three of them last January at Jo-Ann fabrics. They were $1.00 a piece, the retail tag said $19.99.

I also love mason jars!  These are the easiest thing to decorate with and can be bought almost anywhere. I put some acorns and a votive in mine. 

Wrapped some twine around these mason jars along with adding the acorns and candles.

I stuffed some orange lights into these old, aqua color mason jars (sorry I should have hid that extra cord hanging out).  I think  that this is a 50 count strand of orange mini-lights.  I just love how the color pops in these jars. The white pumpkin also came from the Dollar Tree. 

I bought these little pumpkins at Dollar Tree, too.  The pumpkins were attached to some plastic greenery. I pulled them off of the greenery and added them to this tray.  Does the tray look familiar? Yep, it was a goodwill find from this past weekend.

Just a few more pictures left! This is the centerpiece for my dining room table.  I put the one pumpkin on an iron trivet that I bought from Goodwill.

I just love this little squirrel!  I got him at a garage sale this summer. I just had to have him when I saw him!

Last, but not least here is a picture of my front porch. It is a work in progress! We just got the new door and sidelight installed this summer. We want to build a small porch eventually, but until then this is what I have to work with. 

The little pepsi crate wagon was also a product of garage sales this summer. I just love how the mums look sitting in it.

Well, I hope I didn't bore you too much with all of my fall fever pictures, thanks for stopping by!

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend Update!

I was so bummed on Saturday because it rained all day and I couldn't get out to very many garage sales.  Luckily, Goodwill was having another 50% off sale. I can always depend on Goodwill to help me with my addiction.  I didn't find too many things but I was able to find a few.  I was also able to visit some of my favorite thrift shops!

I got these wooden candlesticks for $.50 a piece.  I was able to find another coke bottle for $1.00.  My mom gave me this cart. Gotta love free! I am thinking about using it as a mobile island in my kitchen.  The leaf tray was also only a $1.00, I will be using it for my fall decorations. 

 I got this iron grate for $4.00 at one of my favorite thrift stores.  I love the design of it!

I am a fool for frames!  Again, this picture and frame only cost $1.00. I will show you tomorrow what I did with it. 

I hope you all had a great weekend!

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