
Monday, June 28, 2010

I Love Being Thrifty

I had an awesome weekend full of great finds! It just amazes me the things that you can find at a garage sale. I must say I am somewhat addicted to garage sales (just in case you had not noticed). I will get up at the crack of dawn to go to a garage sale. The deals just can't be beat and who wants to pay full price for anything and you meet great people. Here is what I found this past weekend.

I was very fortunate to come across not one but two vintage Coca-Cola crates. You might have seen these at Pottery Barn.. I paid $4.00 a piece for them...Pottery Barn sells them for $24.00.

My next purchase were these fun blue shoes. I love blue shoes! Macy's had Steve Madden blue suede shoes last fall that I absolutely loved. And since I am a thrifty kind of girl there was no way I was going to pay $80.00 for them. I found these little gems for $2.00. 

I bought this glass star for $3.00. It is so unique and pretty!

I found this little coffee table/bench for $1.00.  The person I got it from said she bought it at an auction last week for $1.00 and didn't have anywhere to put it.  She just wanted to get her money back from what she spent on it.  It is a very firm piece of furniture and I am still in complete shock that it was only $1.00. I can't wait to start transforming it!

Breakdown of Costs:
(2) Coca-Cola Crates = $8.00
Blue Shoes = $2.00
Glass Star = $3.00
Coffee Table/Bench = $1.00
Total Cost = $14.00

I am linking to:
southern hospitality


  1. Very nice! I love that little bench, what a steal that was! I'll keep my eyes open for the transformation, I bet it'll look fabulous!

  2. Great finds! That bench is great! And love that star.

  3. I would love to be able to find some Coke crates! You got an amazing buy on your two! Hope your table transformation turns out just like you want it.
    :-) Sue

  4. I want to go thrifting with you...One lucky gal!

  5. You go girl!!! I love everything you bought!!! Awesome deal on the crates and the blue shoes are to die for!

    Keep on Junkin!

  6. You got a great deal on the coke crates. I bought one at the flea market a week ago for $14. Still better than PB's price, but not as good as yours.

  7. WOW 4.00 bucks for the are good!!~ I just saw Kim's last week as she mentioned she paid 14.00....thanks so much for your can vote as often as you like:)

  8. I love the blue shoes. I couldn't wear them because of the heels. But I love them just the same.

  9. I love the shoes, but would break my ankle trying to walk in them. The coke crates are too cool!

  10. Awesome Deals! Can't wait to see what you do with the $1 table!


  11. OMGosh I want those crates! Awesome price on those, way to go!

    Come say hi when you get a chance!

  12. that was a real deal for those COKE crates...I will give you $5 (ha ha)! Thanks so much for coming to my NTT party!


  13. Great deal on the crates. I picked up two last week too one is Coke the other is Pepsi. Got mine for $5 each. So I was tickled too! Blessings, Vicky

  14. Oh you girls!!! I want one of those crates! Cheapest I found so far was $35!! No way! Crazy, I say! The shoes are pretty sharp, too!

  15. Great finds. Yard sale-ing can be so satisfying!!

  16. How funny that I came across this post today. I was just at my moms house and I was browsing through her garage and I saw a 7-up (or was it sprite?) crate. I couldnt think of what I would do with it.
    I'd love some ideas. :)

  17. Thanks so much for your support...keep going,we have til Midnight tomorrow....we can do this I know it!!~:) Have a great weekend, thanks for linking up! Debbie

  18. You sure got a great deal on those crates. I'll bet your bench will be fab!

  19. OK, you had me at blue shoes, those will look mighty fine with jean!!


  20. LOVE those crates! I saw some a few weeks ago when I was out and they wanted $20 for them...obviously someone who had seen them in the PB catalog!

    I'm slightly addicted to garage sales too...even plan my vacations around them!

    Stopping by from Debbiedoos.

  21. Oh you did fantastic!! Love it all.


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