
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Garage Salen Finds

First of all I apologize for being MIA all week. This is a busy time of year for me at work. Unfortunately, I did not have a lot of time to go to too many garage sales. However, I always try to to fit in a few a week. On a side note, I wanted to say thank you to all of my new followers and for all your nice comments.

Now on to my finds from this weekend!

I found this folding rack that I am going to put in my spare bedroom for my guests bags and suitcases. I am going to spray paint it (of course) but I think I am going to leave the yellow and white fabric. The rack cost $3.25

I love vintage bottles...I don't know if you saw my dish soap bottle  post but I am planning on doing something like that with this bottle and use olive oil or some other condiment . The cost for the bottle was 25 cents. I am searching for more bottles like this for my collection. 

I have been on the hunt for a cloche and found this one. There are a lot of great ideas out there that my fellow bloggers have done to embellish these.   This cloche cost $4.00. 

I just loved this white jar.  I am probably going to use this in my bathroom to hide my makeup. The cost was $1.50.

This is a vintage pyrex bowl.  I love old pyrex bowls and they are so easy to clean. I paid $1.00 for this bowl.

The pumpkin cost $2.00. I like the color and design so I might not be spray painting this one. 

I found this white dish and thought I could use it as a soap dish in my small bathroom. It is kind of beachy looking, don't ya think? This dish was only $.50 cents. 

 I found this wood bowl/tray. I thought it would look great with white candles sitting on the patio or on the dining room table.  The cost for this was $1.00

Lastly, I found these vintage, christmas lights. I have always loved these chunky lights.  The cost for the lights were $1.00. 

Cost Breakdown:

Folding Rack: $3.00
Vintage Bottle: .25 cents
Cloche:  $4.00
White Jar: $1.50
Pyrex Bowl: $1.00
Pumpkin $2.00
Soap Dish: .50 cents
Wood Tray/Bowl:  $1.00
Vintage Christmas Lights: $1.00

Total Cost: $14.25

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wicker Chair and Table Makeover

Do you remember this wicker chair and table from one of my garage sale finds?

I am sure you guessed it by now that this baby got spray painted! The white looked O.K. but I think this wicker set needed some sprucing up.  I painted both the table and chair with Krylon's, Gloss Leather Brown spray paint. It took about 4 coats and 4 cans of paint to cover the wicker. 

I bought the chair pad on Ebay for $22.00. I love all of the different colors that has in it.

And here is she is in all of her glory!  I was a little scared painting wicker but I think it looks pretty good. 

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Sunshine Award

My sweet blogger friend Allison from A Glimpse Inside  gave me the Sunshine Award!  I would like to thank Allison for this award! Please be sure to check out her blog she is a very talented girl!

The rules are as follows:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you.
3. Pass the love to 15 deserving bloggers that you have discovered recently. (I am only going to pick 7 like Allison because that is a lot of people).
4. Let them know that you gave them an award

Here are 7 things that you may not know about me:

1.  I have a Master's degree
2.  I have lived in the same small town all of my life except during the years I went to college.
3.  I am a big advocate for children, animals and the environment
4.  I hate public speaking...I break out in a sweat and I can't talk (one on one I can talk your ear off)
5.  I pray everyday!
6.  I have had a lot of people say that my husband looks like Tom Cruise...and I never get sick of hearing it.
7.  I love to watch documentaries (I know I am nerdy like that).

These are 7 things that I can think of about myself!

I would like to get to know more about these lovely Blog friends!
Nataile @ Carriage House Antiques
Kim @ My Domestic Bliss
Gloria @ The Little Red House With the White Porch
Kristin @  What Happens At Nap Time
Jennifer @  All That Glitters
Linda @ Itsy Bits and Pieces 
Elizabeth @ Habitually Crafty

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tales from Junkville

I had so much fun this weekend going to garage sales.  I went to a neighborhood garage sale on Saturday and thought that I was in junkville paradise.  Let's just say I had to restrain my self from buying something at every garage sale.

I have been on the look out for a chandelier all summer. I never thought that I would find this beautiful chandy!  I found this little gem at the first garage sale I went to on Saturday. The lady who sold it to me was so sweet. She told me that she really loved this chandelier but just didn't have room for it in her house.  I assured her that it would be well loved.  She sold it to me for $5.00.  I just love the design of it, so pretty and elegant!

These lamp shades were bought at a different garage sale and I thought they might look nice on the chandelier. They will need a little embellishment but I think I can make it work. I bought them for $1.50.

I found this Pepsi crate wagon buried under a very strange, 1990's painted stuffed bunny.  The bunny came with the crate (needless to say the bunny now lives at Goodwill). The crate with the goodwill bunny cost $5.00.  I am not sure if I am going to leave it as a wagon or take the wheels off. I think it is kind of cute how it is.

Isn't this little bird cage adorable?  I bought it for $.75, I think it will be cute for spring and summer decorations. I am not sure if it is going to remain white, I might have to add some color. 

The next is a small Pfaltzgraff canister.  I love the colors of it. IKEA has a bedspread that kind of matches it that I would love to buy. The canister cost 10 cents.

I am a big fan of sweet tea and I needed a new jug. I was so happy when I came across this cute watermelon one. It doesn't look like it has ever been used.  I bought it for a quarter even though it was marked $.50 this couple said I could have it for a quarter. 


This little guy was just too cute to walk past.  I saw myself enjoying a lot of mornings drinking coffee with this little owl.  The coffee glass was $.50. 


I am always on the look out for holiday decorations.  I saw this cute turkey that I think might use a table decoration during Thanksgiving.  The turkey cost $.50.


Ok, a few more things! I hope I am not boring you too much.  I love to make cards for others but do not like to spend the money on the tools it takes to create the cards.  I found a fellow card maker's garage sale on Saturday and came away with a lot of great stuff.  All of the stuff in these 2 pictures cost $5.00. You can't even buy one stamp at Hobby Lobby for $5.00. I love the stitched stamp! 

Breakdown of Costs:
Chandelier: $5.00
Lamp Shades: $1.50
Pepsi Crate: $5.00
Bird House: $.75
Pfaltzgraff Canister: $.10
Watermelon Jug: $.25
Owl Coffee Cup: $.50
Turkey: $.50
Card Making Tools: $5.00
Total:   $18.60

I am linking to:

The Lettered Cottage: Favorite Yardsale Scores
southern hospitality

Friday, July 16, 2010

CSN Stores Giveaway at Creative Decorating on a Budget

I wanted to let you know about about another opportunity to win a CSN stores giveaway. Check out my friend Bonnie's blog at Creative Decorating on a Budget.  She has a really great blog and some great projects, stop in and check them out!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Winner of the CSN Giveaway!

I apologize for getting this up so late today! May I have a drumroll please..........and the winner of the $40 CSN stores gift certificate is Lucky 7 Design . The entry number was 29 and she wrote this as what she would purchase, "I would purchase Nature's Garden 3-pc Canister Set...but for my bedroom dresser to store my husbands clutter (wallet,keys,badge,change)".  Lucky 7 has great taste! I posted a picture below of the canister set. If you get a chance go check out her blog. Thanks again for all of those who participated and to all of my new followers!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't Forget About The CSN Stores Giveaway!

This is just a reminder that the CSN stores $40 giveaway ends tomorrow! Here is the post if you missed it the first time.  This is a wonderful opportunity to win some great stuff for your home.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Finds

I hope everybody had a great weekend. Here are some pictures of my finds from this weekend.

I apologize for the orange cat decided to get in the picture. Here is a general picture of almost all of my finds.

The blue fish tea light holders have a sticker on the bottom that say they are from Pier1 and were $6.00...I got them for $.75 a piece.

This frame cost $2.00.  I thought the frame had  a pretty design.

This cute bird candle holder cost $1.00.  I think it will be perfect for my spring decorations.

 This iron fan was also only a $1.00...another spray paint project.

This is a Fire King dish. I have never seen this pattern before. It was only $.25. I thought I could put it on my desk for paper clips and rubber bands.

I just thought this bird glass was pretty. It cost $.25 and I might use it to store pens or pencils on my desk at work. 

The last picture is a few pictures in one.  The rabbit tea light holder cost $1.00.  I am planning on using  for Easter decorations.  The lamp was only $1.25 and I also plan on spray painting it.  The plates cost $.15 and I am planning on using them for my patio.  There is also a little lantern that  cost $1.00. I love lanterns!

Breakdown of Costs:

(2) Blue fish candle holders: $1.50
Frame: $2.00
Bird Candle holder: $1.00
Iron Fan: $1.00
Fire King Dish: $.25
Bird Glass: $.25
Bunny Candle Holder: $1.00
(5) Small Dinner Plates: $.75
Lamp: $1.25

Lantern: $1.00
Total Costs: $10.00

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southern hospitality