
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Sunshine Award

My sweet blogger friend Allison from A Glimpse Inside  gave me the Sunshine Award!  I would like to thank Allison for this award! Please be sure to check out her blog she is a very talented girl!

The rules are as follows:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you.
3. Pass the love to 15 deserving bloggers that you have discovered recently. (I am only going to pick 7 like Allison because that is a lot of people).
4. Let them know that you gave them an award

Here are 7 things that you may not know about me:

1.  I have a Master's degree
2.  I have lived in the same small town all of my life except during the years I went to college.
3.  I am a big advocate for children, animals and the environment
4.  I hate public speaking...I break out in a sweat and I can't talk (one on one I can talk your ear off)
5.  I pray everyday!
6.  I have had a lot of people say that my husband looks like Tom Cruise...and I never get sick of hearing it.
7.  I love to watch documentaries (I know I am nerdy like that).

These are 7 things that I can think of about myself!

I would like to get to know more about these lovely Blog friends!
Nataile @ Carriage House Antiques
Kim @ My Domestic Bliss
Gloria @ The Little Red House With the White Porch
Kristin @  What Happens At Nap Time
Jennifer @  All That Glitters
Linda @ Itsy Bits and Pieces 
Elizabeth @ Habitually Crafty


  1. Oh my goodness, I am shocked and honored that this lovely girl (with the cute husband who looks like Tom Cruise!) has bestowed one of the "Sunshine Awards" upon me! I WILL accept this award with humility (wow, don't I sound like I am accepting an Academy Award?) and I will fulfill all of the requirements associated with this award on my blog. One question: May I do it tomorrow? (Yes, I am a procrastinator!)
    Best regards and thanks,

  2. you are too sweet friend!!! THank you so much!!!! I have no clue what to say other than I have met some of the nicest people due to blogging!!! Thank you so much!


  3. I love the pepsi crate with wheels! I would leave it that fun for decorating year round. Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower...see ya again soon.

  4. Thank you for the award! I am honored! I love your blog. Wish we lived close by so I could go garage sale shopping with you! I have such a long list but just can't find the right things. :)

  5. You sweet girl, thank you so much! I am glad to call you my bloggy friend and so enjoyed getting to know you better in this post! We have alot in common, except my husband does NOT look like Tom Cruise! But I still think he's so handsome!!

  6. Oh and by the way, I just LOVE all those other lovely bloggers you passed this award on to - the best group of gals ever!

  7. Awww, thanks for giving me the Sunshine Award!!! What a perfect award to make my day even more sunshine-y. :) You're a sweetheart! Off to work on my post about it!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the sweet comments! I will warn you photography is addicting!! Have a great weekend!

  9. I just stumbled onto your blog- I liked the name (I have English ancestry) :) I really liked the 7 things you may not know about me- I can relate to a few of those! Great blog, love your wicker transformation!

  10. Hi there

    Thanks again I just finished my Sunshine award post I had fun!
    Natalie :)


Thank you for stopping by! I really do read all of your comments and appreciate each one of them. :)