
Sunday, July 11, 2010

A New Shadow Box

I bought this magnetic dart board at Goodwill a few weeks ago for $.80. I thought it would make a great shadow box. First, I removed the dart board from the frame and painted it with some mis-tinted, semi-gloss paint that I got from Lowes for $2.00.

After I finished painting the box I had my husband cut a piece of bead board we had left over from another project.  I glued the bead board to the box with gorilla glue. 

I then hot glued some twine around the border of the frame to trim out the edges of the beadboard.

I then used gorilla glue to glue the star fish to the beadboard.  I am going to hang it up in my guest bathroom.  You can buy the picture hangers at any hardware store.  I loved how it turned out!


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  1. Fantastic project! What a transformation. Perfectly executed vision :)

  2. Wow! you took that board from man-cave to beach cottage! : ) LOVE it!

  3. Okay, that was really clever!! I don't think I would have had that vision!

  4. Amazing! You truly have vision. I would have never thought of using the game as a shadow box. It looks great, so professional!

  5. What a great idea! It turned out so nice!

  6. Love it and I would love if you would link this project up over at my blog‘s Upcycled Awesome linky party –

  7. That's the best at thinking out of the box...Sorry for the pun !ha!

    I stopped over from Debbiedoo


  8. This is a great shadowbox project! Very imaginative--I never would have thought to use that game for a shadowbox. Thanks for sharing it!

  9. Really that was very creative thinking, it turned out adorable! Thanks for joining in on the party...we are heading on the road now back home. Debbie

  10. This is great! That was good insight, I don't think I would have looked at the frame the same way, which is a shame for me!

  11. Great job! I never would have thought shadow box from the dart board.

  12. Very cute idea. And love the creativity of using an different item and transforming it!

  13. Wow! I just love your shadow box! What great vision you have :) Saw you over at Beyond the Picket Fence. I am your newest follower!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do read all of your comments and appreciate each one of them. :)