
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Winner of the Target Gift Card!

 Thank you for all of your support and participation in my giveaway! I appreciate all of my followers and your sweet comments. I must say that I am addicted to blogging as much as I am to garage saleing. Sometimes,  I just can't wait to come home after work and read all of your posts and projects that you have done.  I am so glad I  have entered into the world of blogging!

Anyway, enough of the rambling and on to the fun stuff.  The winner of the $25.00 gift card is........Jenny from Freebie Spot   If you get an opportunity you need to go check her site out...she's got the scoop on all of the good deals (including free stuff).

Also, if you have time you might want to come back tomorrow I have another fun giveaway to share with all of you. Oh, I am also working on some home projects that I will be posting about soon! :)


  1. Wow - thank you so much! I absolutely LOVE Target so I am super excited. :) I truly enjoy your blog and I am glad I stumbled across it.

    P.S. Thank you for mentioning my blog!



  2. Hooray for Jenny. I'm having a Target giveaway, too!! Stop by if you can!


  3. Congrats to the winner! Target is great!
    Best regards,


Thank you for stopping by! I really do read all of your comments and appreciate each one of them. :)