
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Goodwill Visit

Hello, my lovely friends! I visited Goodwill a few weeks ago and have been meaning to post these pics of my treasures.  It wasn't one of my best visits but I did find a few things and in Goodwill's defense I did have a toddler in tote.  I have to limit my visits to Goodwill because I find something every time. You see I tend to collect a lot of different things and just stash them away in my basement. I always have great plans for my little treasures but you know how projects build up. :)  Anyway, enough of my babbling and let's start posting some pictures.

These are B.O.C. shoes made by Born. I have this exact pair in black that I had bought a few years ago. They are my favorite and I had to pinch myself when I saw these especially since they had my size and the color turquoise. These set me back $10.00 which is usually more than I am willing to pay,  but I know back in the day they were $90.00 (and I paid $40.00 for my black pair on clearance). I think they were an awesome find.

I love this white, glass dish. I will post some pictures later but I put sparkly Valentine hearts in it for V-day. It's just a fun little piece and only cost $1.00! 

This little heart wreath was $.50 and just in time for Valentine's Day!


And one of my FAVORITE finds for the day was this little, child's suitcase. I must be honest I saw it in somebody's cart when I first got to the store and was jealous because they had found it first. I have been looking for an itty bitty suitcase to put on my daughter's dresser forever. Well, I was almost done with my trip when I just saw it laying on a shelf. What? Where? Who? It was like the lights from heaven were shining down on it. Ok, I am being a little dramatic...but I knew it was meant for me. Thank you to the very nice person who put it back on the shelf for me to snatch up.

See, isn't it just the cutest thing! I love the little mirror and pocket.

And those little ribbon straps..sigh. It set me back $2.00 and totally worth every penny.

Last, but not least an Ocean Breeze Pfaltzgraff plate that matches the pattern that I have. We have had some plates and bowls break and it's nice to be able to have some pieces to replace them. This place setting is also special to me because it was the first real set of dishes that I had ever bought. I was a college student when I bought these. That's really funny when you stop to think about it. Most college students don't save their money to buy Pfaltzgraff place settings. I know I am a decor nerd and proud of it! I thought this plate was a good find for $1.00.

I hope you enjoyed my treasure finds from Goodwill. If you have never been to a thrift store or to Goodwill you are really missing out. I know some of these places don't always smell nice or look nice but you never know what you might end up finding.


Thank you for stopping by! I really do read all of your comments and appreciate each one of them. :)