Warning: this post contains lots of hopefully cute to you pictures!
Here are a few shots of my little pixie, Tinker bell! Sorry, I try to protect her and not show her face on the blog. Trust me though when I say she looked adorable! :)
I made these burlap bags (I found the burlap at Wal-Mart) and followed this tutorial for the favors. I filled the bags with marbles from the Dollar Tree and found the Peter Pan books at the Dollar Tree as well. I then used my Cricut and cut out a stencil from the Paper Doll Cricut cartridge. I painted the hooks using some black craft paint I had on hand.
I found Tic Toc and Jake at Kmart for a steal!
The fireplace mantel always gets the birthday treatment as well!
I tried to draw the boat from this Peter Pan book onto the chalkboard. I think it looks pretty close to it. I loved the vintage look of it!
I found the hook at the Dollar Tree and then used some chrome spray paint on the hook. The paper with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell were the invitations that I made for our guests. I found the glass fishing ball and Peter Pan book at Goodwill. The clock was bought at Wal-Mart years ago. It usually sits on my night stand.
The green lantern also came from the Dollar Tree and reminded me of Tinker Bell's lantern in the movie. I printed out the silhouette of Tinker Bell and put it in a frame I bought at Goodwill. I threw some red feathers I bought at Wal-Mart in the old coffee pot. If you have ever seen the movie Peter Pan you know that Peter always had a red feather in his hat. The compass came with the hook that I bought at the Dollar Tree.
I made this banner with the left over card stock from the invitations and used my chalk transfer method to make the letters for Neverland. I then ripped the bottom of the paper and used sponge rubbed in a brown stamp pad to brown the edges like an old treasure map. I punched holes in each corner of the letters and used twine to tie them together.
The hook cut outs came from the burlap bags stencil. I just used card stock to cut them out on my Cricut.
I cut out these feathers with my Cricut using the Straight From The Nest cartridge.
My daughter was not happy about Tinker Bell being locked up in the lantern. Haha! I convinced her she had to stay in there until the end of the party.
I think the silhouettes of Wendy, Peter, Jon and Michael were my favorite!!! The gold stars came from the Dollar Tree of course. I googled Peter Pan silhouettes and then printed them and traced them onto card stock.
Whew, sorry for all of the pictures but I wanted to share as many details as I could. I didn't get a picture of the cake with the pirate ship. Momma got too busy and it totally slipped her mind. I am sure one of my relatives got a picture of it though. I hope my daughter looks back at this birthday party and remembers how much fun she had!
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