Tuesday, July 8, 2014

State Silhouette Flower Pot

Happy Tuesday dear readers! I hope you all had a great weekend and a good 4th of July. I had a great weekend with family and friends and couldn't have asked for better weather. We saw fireworks over the lake and ate lots and lots of good food! I am very proud of the state that I live in because of all of the outdoor activities that you can do in the summer. I would prefer the ocean but we do have a ton of lakes that we take advantage of during the summer. Since I love my state so much I have really been digging the state silhouette projects that I have seen on Pinterest lately.  I even created one last fall on a pumpkin. I have been trying to find something else that I could put a silhouette on and saw my plain flower pot needed some sprucing up!

Here is a BEFORE pic of my flower pot. It was a plastic one that I had picked up from Wal-Mart last summer!

I used the same steps that I did for the pumpkin and my chalkboard lettering tutorial. I created the letters in MS Works (you can do it in any word processing program) and printed them out. I got the state silhouette from 50states.com.  Once I had the state and letters printed out I rubbed chalk on the back of the paper and then lined up the letters and taped them onto the flower pot and started tracing with an ink pen. Once I had traced the letters onto the flower pot. I gently pulled off the tape and paper. I used outdoor craft paint to paint the letters and the state.  Craft paint (my BFF) is so cheap (I know I just called my BFF cheap).  I buy my paint at Hobby Lobby or Wal-Mart and I don't pay more than $2.00 a bottle. It is perfect for small projects like this. I also suggest you invest in some small, good quality paint brushes. 

Overall, this was an easy and cheap project. It is a little harder to paint on plastic than on wood or a carvable pumpkin. I do love pulling into the garage and seeing this little flower pot! I think it was just what was needed and I love that it is personalized for my Indiana home!

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