Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Polka Dot Valentine's Day Wreath

Hello friends! Sorry, for my lack of blogging. We have had frigid temperatures here and tons of snow. I am soooo over winter. However, I am so excited that Valentine's Day is almost here. I have been working on some crafts and have been decorating the house. One thing that I always have to have for every holiday is a wreath for my front door. 


I used a  14" foam wreath that I bought at Walmart
2 spools - 1 1/2" x 9'  Grosgrain gray polka dot ribbon
Heart Confetti from Walmart in the aisle
Baker's Twine any craft store
Felt Coasters from Dollar Tree
Paper Doily
Hot Glue Gun

I bought these felt coasters a few months ago from the Dollar Tree

I found these confetti hearts Wal-Mart's seasonal aisle. They were only .97 and are super cute. I used a hole punch and then ran the bakers twine through each of the hearts to create a banner.

I used the same method for wrapping the ribbon that I used on my flip flop wreath that can be found here. It is so easy once you start wrapping the ribbon around the wreath.

I hot glued the heart banner to each side of the wreath.

I then layered and glued the felt coasters and paper doily to the wreath and I found the felt "love" heart in my craft supplies.

It was a pretty easy wreath to make and I love the pop of color it gives to my front door. It's so nice to pull into the drive and see my little Valentine's Day wreath. 

I am linking to:

Monday Funday at TWCS


  1. I love this wreath! The black and white ribbon base really makes all the fun reds and pinks pop! I'd love for you to share at our Link It or Lump It party!


    Amy @ Delineate Your Dwelling

  2. This wreath is darling! I love the polka dots.

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    وقد انتبهت شركة شراء اثاث مستعمل لذلك الأمر وقامت بعمل فروع في كافة أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية لتقديم كل الخدمات المتميزة لعملائنا الكرام هذا بالإضافة إلى أن كل فرع يحتوي على مكان لتصليح العفش بكل أنواعه وأشكاله حتى وإن كان في حالة سيئة للغاية فمعنا لا تحمل أي هم.
    إذا كنت لا تمتلك مبالغ كبيرة لشراء أثاث جديد تحتاجه في المنزل فيمكنك الأن من خلال شركتنا المتميزة شراء أي قطعة أثاث تخطر ببالك وهذا لأننا نحرص على توفير كل المستلزمات المنزلية من الألف إلى الياء فلا عليك سوى زيارة أقرب فرع إليك واختيار ما يحلو لك من أثاث وكل هذا بأسعار مناسبة جدا.

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